Backstory: I had a debian 11 VPS. I installed the postgresql program from the debian 11 apt repo, back a few months ago. Back then, it was postgres 13 on the debian stable repos.

Fast forward couple months: debian 12 comes out. I do a “apt dist-upgrade” and in-place upgrade my VPS from debian 11 to debian 12. Along with this upgrade, comes postgresql 15 installed.

Now, fast forward couple more months: lemmy 0.18.3 comes out. I do not upgrade (I am on lemmy 0.18.2—afaik).

Fast forward some time, too: lemmy 0.18.4 comes out. I decide to upgrade to 0.18.4 from my existing 0.18.2.

I pull the git repo. Compile it locally. It goes well, no errors in the compilation process. I stop the lemmy systemd service, then I “mv” the compiled “lemmy_server” to /usr/bin dir.

I try to restart the now-upgraded lemmy systemd service. However, the systemd service fails.

I check the sudo journalctl -fu lemmy and I see the following error message:

lemmy_server[17631]: thread 'main' panicked at 'Couldn't run DB Migrations: Failed to run 2023-07-08-101154_fix_soft_delete_aggregates with: syntax error at or near "trigger"', crates/db_schema/src/ 

I report this issue here:

However, after a few back and forths and internet search, I conclude that somewhere between lemmy 0.18.3 and 0.18.4, lemmy stops supporting psql <15. So, my existing DB is not compatible.

Upon my investigation on my VPS setup, I concluded that psql 15 is running, however, lemmy is using the psql 13 tables (I do not know if this is the correct term).

Now my question: is there a way to import the lemmy data I had in the psql 13 tables to a new psql 15 table (or database, I don’t know the term).

To make things hairier: I also run a dendrite server on the same VPS, and the dendrite server is using the psql 15 with psql 13 tables on the same database as the lemmy one.

The dendrite database is controlled by a psql user named “dendrite” and the lemmy database is controlled by a psql user named “lemmy” . I hope this makes differentiation between two databases possible. And so I do not harm my existing dendrite database.

Any recommendations about my options here?

  • RoundSparrow @ BTM
    11 year ago

    Ok, i came up with a useful grep, do you get two results and what can you describe as different between them?

    grep --after-context=6 "Data for Name: site; Type: TABLE DATA;" lemmy_databackup_2.sql

    • @k4r4b3y@monero.townOP
      1 year ago

      do you get two results and what can you describe as different between them?

      Holy shit I get screen-ful of results. I can’t even say which result end where and the next one starts where.

      EDIT: After zoom-ing out the terminal, I think I get 2 results. They both seem to be listing the different lemmy servers my own lemmy has ever connected with, or federated with. Not sure.

      • RoundSparrow @ BTM
        1 year ago

        Ok, so what you are looking for is up to this point, especially the line starting with '1"

        COPY (id, name, sidebar, published, updated, icon, banner, description, actor_id, last_refreshed_at, inbox_url, private_key, public_key, instance_id) FROM stdin;
        1	lemmy-gamma	\N	2023-08-16 21:42:52.88018	2023-08-16 21:47:45.32338	\N	\N	\N	http://lemmy-gamma:8561/	2023-08-16 21:42:52.877719http://lemmy-gamma:8561/site_inbox	-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n
          • RoundSparrow @ BTM
            21 year ago

            Going back to the output you got… line one, what are the dates you see?

            COPY (id, name, sidebar, published, updated, icon, banner, description, actor_id, last_refreshed_at, inbox_url, private_key, public_key, instance_id) FROM stdin;
            1	lemmy-gamma	\N	2023-08-16 21:42:52.88018	2023-08-16 21:47:45.32338	
            • @k4r4b3y@monero.townOP
              21 year ago
              1       New Site        \N      2023-08-22 22:38:51.37196       \N      \N      \N      \N      https://domain.tld/   2023-08-22 22:38:51.364569    h

              domain.tld is my instance’s domain name which I have redacted.

              and then it lists my instance’s private key.

              • RoundSparrow @ BTM
                1 year ago

                do the same grep on our prior backup file, the one from PostgreSQL 13… with the same output concern.

                • @k4r4b3y@monero.townOP
                  11 year ago
                  user@server:~$ grep --after-context=6 "Data for Name: site; Type: TABLE DATA;" lemmy_databackup.sql
                  -- Data for Name: site; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: lemmy
                  COPY (id, name, sidebar, published, updated, icon, banner, description, actor_id, last_refreshed_at, inbox_url, private_key, public_key, in
                  stance_id) FROM stdin;
                  288  \N      2023-08-08 02:09:06.130559      2023-08-06 20:06:24.355929      \N      \N      \N   2023-08-08 02:0
                  9:06.129933 \N      -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAzneO9gfXYODqP77H882a\n6
                  GqIDUPgSn8yvhUSfFGaw5Q4h1\nsQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n 106
                  57      LOL! I'm Beer.  Like, just don't be a dick, man.\n\nCh

                  and goes on and on listing other instances. It doens’t show mine.

                  • RoundSparrow @ BTM
                    11 year ago

                    ok, I’m not that great with grep, I suppose we could tell it to use only lines that start with 1 etc.

                    You seem willing to start over. You are now on PostgreSQL15.3 and Lemmy 0.18.4 - so it’s up to you.

          • RoundSparrow @ BTM
            21 year ago

            so grep isn’t finding multiples… so my idea that somehow a different database name got picked form URL vs. lemmy.json isn’t panning out.